Dolphins dancing with flower and rainbow
Bringing the Aloha

Our Mission

is to bring the Aloha Spirit into Training & Development

Our Vision

We do this by following the Aloha Spirit when providing Design and LMS Services to our clients, and while preparing others for careers in the Instructional & Technology Design industry

Our Concepts

Aloha Institute is designed to be socially responsible to the impacts of the local community and its culture, while we help diversify the economy and businesses here on the islands.

We offer free training for beginners in the industry to develop specific software skills, a platform to perform internship level industry and design presentations, and the opportunity to expand into freelance entrepreneurs as Instructional & Technology Designers.

Aloha Institute is also dedicated to ensuring that the culture and values of Hawaii remains at the forefront of the Instructional & Technology Design industry, not just in Hawaii — but to be carried across to other nations and organizations.

Software Development & Instructional Platform Tools

Although there are a variety of software and cloud service applications to choose from within our industry, we are highlighting those that we prefer and those we have had experience with. Visit our Tools page for more information.

Our Team

Alex Shortsleeve

Sr. Instructional Designer

Alex Shortsleeve is our Sr. Instructional Designer and Learning Management System mentor.

While attending both the University of Hawaii at Manoa and Hawaii Pacific University, Alex was embraced by the Aloha culture and he gladly returned its embrace.

He carried the Aloha Spirit with him to the mainland and brought it into his workspace.

When teaching SAT & College prep in many of the schools on Oahu, he developed a strong respect for the Hawaiian youth.

The Aloha Institute Training Path is his way of giving back to the Hawaiian community now that he has returned to his chosen home.

You can learn more about Alex at his website: Alex with Aloha.

Toni Shortsleeve

Programs Administrator

Toni Shortsleeve is our Programs Administrator and Web & Graphics Design mentor.

Toni has been an individualized student most of her life. Sitting in a classroom was not the best way for her to learn, but she's curious and loves finding out about new things. And she didn't want to have to pay tuition instead of rent.

freeCodeCamp was the perfect transition to her education path. It was free! The forums were easy to use and helpful. She joined the freeCodeCamp editing team for a chance to read the newest articles first. And, she won an award as one of the top 200 freeCodeCamp contributors in 2018.

At the same time, she became a paid intern in the Outreachy program. She stayed on as mentor once the internship was finished.

As an intern, she stepped out of the editor role and into the author role. It was part of the internship requirements. You can read her story here: My New York Minute.

These experiences helped design the basic concept of Aloha Institute. Free training, paid internships, freelance opportunities, mentor opportunities. And the hope that she is helping local women to grow in the tech industry, and bring the Aloha Spirit to tech and the world.

You can learn more about Toni at her website: Koni Kodes.

Alika Shortsleeve Avatar


Toni Shortsleeve Avatar


Talk Story with Aloha Institute hosts

Alika and Koni host the interviews on our video show: Talk Story with Aloha Institute.

Join them as they discuss the beginning of Aloha Institute, the mission and vision, and watch their interactions with various local heroes — who also share the Aloha Values.

Photo Frame with Question Mark

Jr. Instructional Designer

Our future and newest team member will be an artist with the desire to create beauty — while learning new methods and sharing our ideals with our teams.

This local representative will be the perfect Communications Mentor and Social Delivery Messenger of the Aloha Institute values.

While we do have a couple of people in mind, we are still searching before the final decision. If you know of someone who could be a great fit to help build our organization, please Contact us with a reference, or share with them.

If they qualify, they should apply.

Visit our Talk Story page to watch our mini-series of interviews.